Product Recommendations


Free with any course! Todd takes you through the best products to get the most out of your detailing!

SKU: edu-prod-rec Category:


This module is FREE with any Training Course purchase!

The product recommendations discussion has always been an integral part of the Elite Detailer Academy since its inception. We are first and foremost an active (and very busy) high-end detailing business, and we are very selective on what products we choose to use. Once these products have proven themselves to be necessary within our shop, we then offer them to our students and customers. We are very different than the typical reseller model in that we sell what we use; not the other way around. So when we are making our recommendations to you, it is based off of our relentless testing and our requirements for top performing detailing product solutions.

For students based in the USA, we have included direct product links to our online store at